

A native of Philadelphia, Alex began taking photos in his teens. While working for several years in the architectural field, he traveled whenever possible and noticed that his ‘hobby’ of taking pictures was becoming a real passion.

When Alex began to delve into the digital realm of photography, he saw his work changing and moving in new directions. Wanting to learn—not just point and click, but to capture, to compose, to make a photograph—he took a course in the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. The course forced Alex to bind his passion and what he sees through the viewfinder with the conventions and history of photography.

Studying the work of the innovators of photography (Stieglitz, Steichen, et al), Alex saw his imagination—the story in his head—could actually have a tangible medium. The combination of architecture, photography and other forms of illustrative and surreal art meld with the desire to share what he can see in his mind’s eye. His imagination transforms what the eye can see and compels him to create a photograph.